About Us

Welcome to our student-centric platform!

We Offer 3 in 1 services


1. Stay

2. transportation

3. Fooding

At an affordable cost, creating a tension-free environment that feels like a home away from home

Our Mission?

To provide stress free exam preparation through an easy-to-use app, ensuring students study effectively and face exams confidently

Our Core Values

Our core values revolve around excellent student service, top-notch accommodation and fooding standards, and a focus on safety and security. With a vision to reach student nationwide, we aim to make studing convenient, comfortable, and accessible across India.

joins us to make your exam journey stress-free, safe and economical!

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People at home won't
send me that far
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How will I manage to
stay, go, eat?
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I wish I could find an
exam center near me.
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Studies are done, now
the question of career
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I wish there was
an easier way
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Yes, there is H2E
for such problems.

our 3 in 1 services



Providing Best and Comfort Accomodation at Best Price


Food Services

Providing your Favourite Tasty and Healthy meal on time.



Helping you Reach your Exam centers or Destination with our Pick and Drop Transportation Services.


Safety and Security

Providing Safe and Secure Premises.